Get Dropbox comments
The comment feature is very handy on dropbox documents, but there is no functionality to export them, and no API to use them. Fortunately, it seems it exists an undocumented /comments2/list_comments API. I made a proof of concept of this API to get the ability to exports comments.
The HTML dropbox application uses a /comments2/list_comments API that gives us what we want. You need a proper authentication and the id of the file you want to see.
The application is very straight forward, uses the Dropbox Chooser to pick a file and allow the user to download comments. Below it a screenshot and here is the github repository with full source code and some documentation :
Comments are powered by Github. You must authenticate to GitHub before commenting. Create an account if you haven't one, it only takes 1 minute!
Les commentaires sont hébergés sur GitHub. Il vous faudra vous authentifier sur GitHub pour pouvoir commenter. Si vous n'avez pas de compte, une minute suffit à en créer un !