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Download as PDF a canva slideshow shared view only (with Chrome)
11/08/2024 5 mins
Canva is a commonly used tool to create some slideshows or booklet. It has an online sharing feature that allow authors to share their work. But it is sometimes useful to have an offline version of the document, even it is with less interactive features, and I have not found...
RF433 buttons automation for MagicHome LED controllers
04/02/2024 9 mins
I keep improving the remote control of my MagicHome compatible LED controllers with RF433 buttons, my previous versions are described in the following posts: a first version with Domoticz and a RFLink on Arduino Mega (in french) a second version with Domoticz, rtl_433 and a RTL-SDR USB dongle (in french)...
Top viewed posts in Jekyll with Piwik
27/01/2024 4 mins
Static site generators are cool to make simple, efficient and easy to host websites, but obviously not able to realize dynamic features. As it cannot be implemented server-side, the only way to implement such feature is to do it browser-side with some JavaScript.
Retraits partiels assurance vie
29/05/2023 6 mins
L’assurance-vie a une fiscalité particulière, notamment sur l’imposition des intérêts lors des retraits qui bénéficie d’un abattement de 4600 €, qu’il n’est pas forcément simple de calculer en cas de retraits partiels. C’est ce que nous allons voir dans cet article.
Multi-language Jekyll
26/12/2022 8 mins
In the migration process of my website from WordPress to Jekyll, I had to deak with some multilanguage. I usually write in english what is susceptible to interest a large worldwide audience (like some article on jekyll), in french what is mainly targetted on french users or topics already widely...
Redirects on GitHub Pages
05/11/2022 4 mins
I have recently migrated my website on Jekyll hosted by GitHub Pages. As always, redirects are a good thing to avoid 404, and I have a bunch from the very first version of my website. However, GitHub Pages is not a webserver like Apache or NGINX and there is no...
JSweet – Convert applets to javascript
21/08/2019 5 mins
JSweet is a tool that can convert java to javascript. I have in 2001 written a couple of Java applets that don’t work anymore with the disappearance of java applets from browsers. I decided by curiosity to look at JSweet to convert those applets in javascript, and that was not...
Compteur Horaire
24/04/2009 1 min